Weight loss ... Causes and Treatment

As overweight or obese have a negative impact on the health of the body weight loss or excessive thinness have some drawbacks and disadvantages less harmful compared to weight gain. The person complains of excessive thinness since childhood complaint may be new to him, and in this case this person should be examined well to diagnose the cause of this loss in weight as this is often linked to disease where early diagnosis is important.

What are the harmful effects of excessive thinness or weight loss a lot?
Excessive thinness and beauty of women

The obese women lose their beauty and grace which appear with this obesity it is larger than her real age as well as excessive thinness are usually a recipe undesirable, not only to women but to the Eastern man who usually loves women full. Valenhafah excessive usually reason to hide the beauty of women in many parts of the body that is the presence of fatty layers important for the emergence of the beauty of these parts, such as the face, chest and pelvis.

Causes weight loss or thinness
Unsatisfactory reasons (there is no disease)
It is divided into two sections:
Temporary reasons (ie, for a brief period).

And the note loss in body weight compared to the weight and size of the person who used it usually distinguishes this matter is that this person in good health and not complain of symptoms or signs of abnormal as the appetite to eat natural and gets this when exposed human body to work muscular or mental more than accustomed it such as, for example, in the following cases:
During exams
During the training period in summer camps
The first months of the young marriage (marriage is most often causes that address the excessive thinness when some people of both sexes for unknown reasons but the psychological factor plays a big role in it).
A lot of sexual activity, whether masturbation or frequent sexual intercourse.
A person is exposed to the work of muscular or mental not be wont
It may be the reason is not in the abundance of work, intellectual or muscular, but in a few food in one person compared to back it is not the result of weakness or loss of appetite for food (that is what we will look for in the pathogens of the thinnest and weight loss), but either to lack of food or lack of desire to eat despite The presence of appetite him such as, for example, during the slimming diet programs or hunger strike.

Causes permanent
In which case the moans of the person, whether man or woman of thinness excessive since childhood, despite the absence of weakness in appetite and may be an increase in appetite and usually what we we doctors focus on family history of this person as is often the cause of familial or hereditary but not preclude the work of examination to exclude some rare causes such as the sensitivity of the digestive system of GLUTEN MALABSORPTION starch or a weakness absorption of some nutrients as the doctor review the diet for this person and check his mental condition.

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Hollywood's most beautiful girls

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Secrets of the millionaire mind: control in the game rich

Did you ever think why some people seem to achieve wealth easily, while others are doomed to a life of financial struggle? Is the difference in their education or in their skills or their timing or their habits or their contacts at work, or their fortunes, their choices or their jobs or their business or their investment? Shocking answer: It is not a factor mentioned above! There is a missing link between wanting success and achieving success. They are different worlds.

Succeeded «c. Harv Eker », the author of this book, going up from scratch to become a millionaire in two years and a half only. Iker and works as a corporate (Beck Botnchalz) for training and is one of the fastest growing success training companies in North America. In his book «the secrets of the millionaire mentality», discusses the psychological aspect of wealth, wealth equation is not as simple as we envisage

We live in a world of duality: up and down, or hot and cold, or in and out, or fast, slow, or the right and left. These are just examples, but a few of the thousands of disparate poles. In order to present one of the electrodes, must be present the other. It is impossible to be there on the right without a left hand. Thus, just as there are laws of the foreign money, there must be internal laws. State laws include things such as business intelligence and fund management and investment strategies, which is necessary. But the laws are equally important.Take, for example, carpenter and his tools. It is necessary to have the latest tools, but most important to be skilled carpenter can use these tools skillfully. The author gives us a blueprint to become millionaire tycoons like him, or at least financially successful. In this scheme, we know that being in the right place at the right time is not enough. Must be the right person in the right place at the right time, who are you? How do you think? What are your beliefs? What are your habits and traits?How do you feel about yourself often? What size of your confidence? To what extent can communicate with others? What is the trust others? Do you already feel that you deserve wealth? What is your ability to act despite the fear, anxiety and lack of convenience and lack of satisfaction? Can you act when your mood Mtekra? Fact that the work program established by the management of funds, which represent your personality and your thinking and your beliefs are an important part, which determines the level of your success, as it shows operating plan money-oriented thinking and the elements of your character and what hopes of success.

Does not have the vast majority of people the ability to internal innovation and creativity and keep large sums of money and steadfastness in the face of the challenges that accompany the increase in the accumulated money and success.On the external level, the blame for the loss of money stepped down to bad luck or a deterioration in the economy, partner or bad or what is not. But at the domestic level, this is another matter. Must treat the cause behind the loss of money with a strong financial plan of procedure. So if I had a business a substantial amount of money and you are not ready for it internally, the possibilities are to be your fortune short-term or you will lose (as if speculating one of them a large sum in the stock market without a study of market conditions, believing that intelligence is enough to make a profit, but occurs Conversely when the stock price falls Vijsr all his money: Valaab here is the lack of thinking and miscalculation, and not the market itself). Although some millionaires may lose their money, they do not lose the most important component to their success: the millionaire mindset.

He then asks by a number of questions, which he considers gold to achieve success

What is your plan to manage the current money and success, and what are the results that lead you towards it subconsciously? You will reach success or failure of moderation or financial? Are you a programmer or a struggle to feel comfortable in the presence of money? Do you intend to work hard in order to obtain money or in parallel? Do you become accustomed to owning a sustainable income or non-persistent? Is designed to achieve a high income, or income of the average, or low income? Did you know that many of us programmers to possess certain amounts of money? Are plans to earn between 20 and 30 thousand dollars a year? From 40 to 60 thousand dollars? From 75 to a hundred thousand dollars?From 150 to 200 thousand dollars a year? 250 thousand dollars a year or more?

He concludes these questions under the guidance three tips, must be met to acquire «millionaire mentality

Go to the library, or bookstore, or online and read the biography of a wealthy person or a very wealthy and successful. Andrew Carnegie, John D. Rockefeller or, or Mary Kay, or Donald Trump, or Warren Buffett or Jack Welch or Bill Gates Ottad Turner are good examples. Drew inspiration from their stories and learn from them specific strategies for success, and most importantly, try to imitate mentality

Joined to one of the top clubs such as the tennis club or health club or club for business or golf club. Mixer in an environment rich people rich. If you can not afford to join one of these clubs Ahts tea or coffee in a plush hotel Bmdantek.Back to feel comfortable in this atmosphere and watch the repeat customers, noting that they are no different from you in something

Stop watching television programs and away from petty bad news

Whether you are a millionaire or members of the middle class or bankrupt at the moment, and if were not satisfied by one hundred percent of your income, your value or level of happiness, and know that you have greater potential than shown by the results achieved, you have to be expanded based on the insight that characterizes by the millionaire mindset by knowing:

How to change your plan to manage the money is always a change in order to achieve a natural and automatic success.

How to win in a game of money, so you never have to work again unless you choose this.

Habits of the owners of wealth

Hidden causes of most financial problems

How to identify the «financial personality» so that you can improve your strengths and overcome your weaknesses.

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Healthy Food that helps to Fight Fatigue

Everyone from time to time experiences fatigue which is simply mental or physical exhaustion. Fatigue is common due to lifestyle factors.
If you are feeling tired, sleepy or lacking energy, have a good look at your diet. The best foods are those which can be easily digested and release energy slowly.
The following five foods are rich in nutrients which are essential to help your body convert food in to energy.
Image by : trekkyandy
Source by : flickr
  1. Oatmeal

    For instant energy oatmeal cereal can be taken in the morning. Oatmeal is regarded as a super meal which helps maintain normal blood sugar level. Oatmeal contains high fiber content which is very important for cleansing intestinal track.
    Oatmeal providesmagnesium, protein and phosphorus. These three nutrients directly affect energy levels and can fight emotional fatigue. It is also a source of vitamin B 1 or Thiamine which play important role in cell metabolism.
    A lack of Vitamin B 1 can cause anorexia, gastrointestinal disturbances and loss of weight. A severe deficiency can lead to brain damage and even death.
    Image by : chotda
    Source by : flickr
    Use minimally processed organic oats instead of flavored varieties.
  2. Yogurt

    Yogurt is a source of iodine, calcium, phosphorus, vitamin B 2, vitamin B 12, protein and zinc. Yogurt contains probiotics, live bacteria which may fortify your immune system and helps you to live longer and healthier.
    Research from the University of Toronto suggests that probiotic supplementation boost level of tryptophan in the brain. Tryptophan helps induce sleep promoting feelings of calm.
    Eating yogurt is an easy and delicious way to improve yourcholesterol profile. Avoid yogurt that have artificial colors or sweeteners.
    Cacık, a Turkish cold appetizer yogurt variety
    Source by : wikimedia
  3. Spinach

    Leafy greens like spinach provide more nutrients than any other food. Spinach is an excellent source of vitamin K, vitamin A, magnesium, manganese, iron, calcium, vitamin C, vitamin B2, potassium, and vitamin B6.
    The mineral iron is important for women, growing children and adolescents. Low level of iron can cause physical and mental fatigue.
    Magnesium helps in proper digestion. A lack of magnesium can cause our brains and bodies to slow.Spinach is a versatile food. It can be cooked, added to soups and can be eaten raw in salad. You can benefit by regularly including this delicious leafy green in your diets.
    Image by : popartichoke
    Source by : flickr
  4. Nuts and Seeds

    Nuts and seeds are very healthy and nutritious. They contain protein, omega3 fats, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, copper, vitamins B1, B2, B5, B6 and tryptophan. Omega-3s not only lower the glycemic index of foods but also helps in maintaining healthy cells.
    People usually eat roasted nuts and seeds. It’s better to use raw nuts as they are more beneficial to health. You can soak them in clean water for a few hours before eating them.
    Source by : wikimedia
  5. Beans

    Beans are a good source of potassium, iron, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, copper, and thiamine. Beans are low in fat, high in fiber and provide stable and slow burning energy which can help against fatigue.
    image by : Ross Burton
    Source by : flickr
    The percentage of cholesterol and sugar per serving is normally 0%; therefore beans are an excellent food

    choice. Canned beans can be high in sodium, make sure that they are low sodium or no-salt-added.

    source by
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Google to pay Apple $ 1 billion dollars to be the default search engine in its

AppleGoogleLogos1 thumb جوجل تدفع لأبل 1$ بليون دولار لتكون محرك البحث الافتراضي في أجهزتها 

Indicated technical reports that Google paid to Apple last year, billion (thousandmillion dollars) in order to be master browser in the browser, Safari and content in the devices iOS for Babylon such as iPhone, iPad or iPod, and reports indicatethat Google's profit per year 1.335 $ billion worth of its presence as a search engine default in Apple and therefore the profits are the net for more than $ 335million.

It is worth mentioning the reference, that Google and Apple have many differencesbetween them due to legal systems and Android iOS, Each of them claims that the other assaults on its own patents.

I think that the decision to Apple to go to another search engine may send a strong message to Google, but I do not think it will impact heavily on search giant Googleon the contrary, will affect the decision is negative on Apple because it means they have to deal with another search engine inferior to Google and share Google'ssearch engine market is more than almost all engines combined!! 
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Accidents in the home and how we act 1 - poisoning

Method defines a child during the first years of the old stuff Hoda all that is new and strange in his mouth, so we caution
1 - poisoning


We have drawn from a plant that in the house and make sure that it is non-toxic

Development of medicines, cosmetics, cleaning products, especially high on a shelf or cupboard of the best high and closed with the key.

Not to mix chlorine with other cleaning products because it produces toxic fumes(chlorine gas)

Not to put cleaning products in water or juice bottles


When you swallow cleaning products do not make the child Atakii

Because we have We have thus wound but Hrguena (because it is causticmaterials) of the esophagus

For the second time, stomach, bear more of the esophagus

Do not give out drink no water, no milk and was taken immediately to hospital 
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