Accidents in the home and how we act 1 - poisoning

Method defines a child during the first years of the old stuff Hoda all that is new and strange in his mouth, so we caution
1 - poisoning


We have drawn from a plant that in the house and make sure that it is non-toxic

Development of medicines, cosmetics, cleaning products, especially high on a shelf or cupboard of the best high and closed with the key.

Not to mix chlorine with other cleaning products because it produces toxic fumes(chlorine gas)

Not to put cleaning products in water or juice bottles


When you swallow cleaning products do not make the child Atakii

Because we have We have thus wound but Hrguena (because it is causticmaterials) of the esophagus

For the second time, stomach, bear more of the esophagus

Do not give out drink no water, no milk and was taken immediately to hospital 


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