Tips for pregnant women

pregnant women

These are some tips for pregnant women to carry up to enjoy a comfortable and freeof problems ...
* You have to attain a proficiency of comfort and food.
* Please see your doctor since the first symptoms of pregnancy and then regularlyevery month.
* Amtenai totally smoking.
* Met all of Qahatk.
* Make a lot of fluids and water to drink from 8-10 cups a day.
* Azza sources of folic acid by eating oranges, melons, yellow and green leafyvegetables.
* Lot of acts of iron-rich foods such as beans and dry beans, grapes and nuts.
* Keep your blood sugar level by eating foods high in protein and concentratedcarbohydrates such as bread, rice, potatoes and cheese.
* Omtenai taking any medication before consulting a doctor.
* Get your need of sleep and Ostzlma of short naps during the day.
* To Ataatarda to excessive heat for long periods.
* If you love coffee Reduce your consumption of them.
* If in your family hereditary diseases you need to do genetic tests necessary to ensure the safety of the fetus.
* My plans for your new family with a baby.
* Decide in advance where Stdaan when your child.
* Omtenai for hair dyes or other chemical treatment.
* READ books that provide you with information about your pregnancy.


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