Ways to remove the annoying smell of the mouth

To enjoy the same refreshing smell of the mouth and the confidence and self-

Bad breath
The causes and treatment

Bad breath condition of every human being mattersThey affect the individual's social relationships and professional, often a distinction between couplesMoreover, it worries the large proportion of males and females of all ages. Can not one of usTo discover for himself whether he suffered from bad breath, and the reason for this phenomenon is due to returnOlfactory nerves in the nose to Raúanna.

Reasons related to the first oral

Neglect of oral hygiene and care of
75% of evaporation caused by the non-observance of hygiene rules to be followed in the care of oral hygiene and dentalThe key to understanding the ill-smelling volatile sulfur compounds is vsc or that result from the dismantling of amino acidsBy the type of bacteria present oral analyst, and increases the speed of fermentation and the presence of calculus (tartar)Which these sediments are similar to plaster around the teeth dark yellow in color and are full of germs.

Inflammation of the gums
Simple inflammation of the gums may be a cause in the presence of a very pungent odor.

Food waste made from the saliva of the mouth mucosa sticky deposits accumulateCrews on the surface of industrial and mouth microbes ferment by producing a very pungent odor.

After surgery of the mouth
The reason is that the process of chewing food disrupted the normalShe can microbes in the mouth and to analyze the blood that may leak during theProcess causing a pungent smell.

Second, other reasons
Of the most important
Tonsillitis and inflammation of the nose and sinuses

And some respiratory diseases such as bronchitis and smokingAnd eat onions or garlic, dyspepsia, and some diseases such as diabetes, kidney or liver failure.


Treatment is limited mainly to remove the cause, if the reasonsMedical diseases such as blood sugar and lung must treat these diseases.
The smell from causes oral Valmaaljh give effective resultsThrough caring for the health of the mouth and teeth properly using Miswak or Tafrischha brush and toothpaste and flossing, medical and dental tissue can be treated sick and damaged teeth can resort to the use of oral rinses, especially those containing antimicrobial agents. It removes unpleasant mouth odor.
As for the anti-evaporation, they are many, including oxidizing substances such as coal and sorbentAnd chlorophyll, acids, and substances that release chlorine.
Finally, the need to note that dry mouth is an important cause of the unpleasant smell of it is better to eat more waterAnd chewing gum because it stimulates the secretion of the salivary glands.

The folk medicine of many many recipes to eliminate bad breath, among them
Taken from the amount of thyme thirtieth gram boiled in a liter of water for three minutes and rinse the mouth.
Chewing parsley for a quarter of an hour, put an apple and then eaten.
Take garlic cloves and Aajnan equal parts honey and patient intake on an empty stomach and at bedtime.
The best way to eliminate the smell of onions and garlic eating a teaspoon of honeyOr chewing tablets of coffee or eat an apple half an hour after eating onions or garlicIt reduces odor.


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